Pakistan to Deploy Fiber Optic Cable to Connect with China
China To Pakistan Fiber Optic Project The government has said it will roll out a cross-border Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) system at a cost of Rs 3.7 billion between Pakistan and China for information security, Business Recorder reported, citing official sources. Paper said that the need for this fiber optic cable crossing the country has increased after security concerns from Pakistan and China, which fear the possibility of India monitoring communication activities, via already submarine cables. assets. The project was deliberated at a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) under the chairmanship of the Minister of Finance, Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shakih. The project consists of laying 820 km of Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) along the Karakaram Highway, from Rawalpindi to Khunjrab Pass (Chinese border via Mansehra, Chilas, Danyore (Gligit), Karimabad, and Sust). At present, Pakistan's international connectivity to the world is through the SE...
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